A Simpler Blue Club - Mississauga Style

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Keep it Simple Strong club bidding systems dominated the world of bridge until a few decades ago. The reason? The system thinks for you, the experts say. The experts are right: if you stick to the rules, the system leads you effortlessly to the right decision. The drawback? It is complicated. This book presents a simplified and modernized version of one of the most successful bidding systems of all times, the Blue Club. One of the main modifications is the use of both high card and distribution points in the evaluation of hand strength. Benito Garozzo, the creator of the original Blue Club system, says in his foreword: The simplifications and the introduction of some standard bidding make it easier to learn the system, to remember it and use it, but still keep it precise... I believe the way in which the book presents the system is the best way, logical and well-structured. Thus, the book is excellent for bridge players who want to learn about and try a ‘strong club’ system to become more competitive.
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Keep it Simple Strong club bidding systems dominated the world of bridge until a few decades ago. The reason? The system thinks for you, the experts say. The experts are right: if you stick to the rules, the system leads you effortlessly to the right decision. The drawback? It is complicated. This book presents a simplified and modernized version of one of the most successful bidding systems of all times, the Blue Club. One of the main modifications is the use of both high card and distribution points in the evaluation of hand strength. Benito Garozzo, the creator of the original Blue Club system, says in his foreword: The simplifications and the introduction of some standard bidding make it easier to learn the system, to remember it and use it, but still keep it precise... I believe the way in which the book presents the system is the best way, logical and well-structured. Thus, the book is excellent for bridge players who want to learn about and try a ‘strong club’ system to become more competitive.
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Dan Berkley

DAN BERKLEY is a Canadian professional consulting engineer who found a passion for bridge in the late 1960s. He made time to run bridge clubs, play and teach bridge both online and offline. He is an ACBL accredited bridge teacher and an accredited Learn Bridge in One Day? instructor, teaching Standard American and his simplified and modernized version of Blue Club. His previous book, Bridge - A Beginner’s Guide, was reviewed as the best eBook for beginners by the Learning Bridge website. Find Dan online at: http://www.bridgelessons.ca.

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